Soma Hizi

There has been a lot of drama surrounding Prezzo and his beautiful Tanzanian Lady known by her IG name Chagga Barbie.Tweefs are so last year Instagram has become the new battlefield, after all isn’t a picture worth a thousand words?
The war is more of taking subliminal shots and snide remarks,it is not full blown such as those witnessed on Twitter.Anyhow apart from the drama,the new woman in Prezzo’s life is truly stunning:
Yellow Sari combined with copper-coloured hair really works for this chic
She brings out the 'wow' factor with a Red dress paired with a pair of nude Loubutins
The Tanzanian Barbie rocks this fierce black number
One can never go wrong with nude and brown
This girl is definitely stylish when it comes to clothes,Aztec Print never looked better
Red Lip+Red Nails=Totally Gorge