Bitcoiniacs Robocoin ATM
Baada ya Kimya Cha muda mrefu wanasayansi na wataalamu wa mambo ya Teknolojia nchini Canada, leo wamezindua ATM ya ajabu duniani. ATM hiyo itakuwa yakwanza kutumiaBitcoin jambo linaloifanya kuwa na upekee tofauti na ATM tulizo zoea kuziona duniani kote. Taarifa zinasema kwamba Ugunduzi huu ulifanyika mapema mwezi uliopita lakini wameamua kuzindua hii leo. 

Mashine hizo zitawekwa katika maeneo mbalimbali ikiwemo kwenye majumba ya starehe na majumba ya kuuzia kahawa.
Hii ni nukuu kidogo juu ya mashine hii ya ajabu; 
As Wiredreports, the landmark machine will be installed outside of a coffee house in downtown Vancouver, allowing members of the public to exchange their Canadian Dollars for Bitcoins, or vice versa.
To comply with Canadian law, the machine will check your identity using palm prints, photographs, and ID verification, and will only allow for a maximum of CAD$3,000 (around $2,700) worth of transactions per user per day.

Bitcoiniacs, the company responsible for bringing the ATM to Vancouver, has purchased five of Robocoin's machines and hopes to launch the rest in "other locations throughout Canada" soon. Unlike the one-day-only appearance of a another ATM at a San Diego hotel, all of Bitcoiniacs' machines are intended to be permanent.
Kazi kwenu wagunduzi wa Bongo, leteni vitu vipya kuishangaza dunia. 